
Market Readiness Analysis of Alternative Fuel Heavy Duty Vehicles for the European Commission

03/2024 – 12/2024

The project on the expected uptake of alternative fuel heavy duty vehicles until 2030 and their corresponding infrastructure needs gathers evidence and provides analysis to help the European Commission in developing a technology and market-readiness report.

Rotterdam-Antwerp Electric Road System Corridor Project for Flemish Government

11/2023 – 04/2024

This research investigates the potential impacts of implementing the different ERS technologies on the Rotterdam-Antwerp motorway corridor that links the two largest ports in Europe. The aim is to identify which of the routes between the ports is best suited for implementation of ERS, whether there are substantial differences in economic performance of the different ERS technologies, see what ERS vehicle traffic volumes are required and potentially available for successful implementation, what investment is required to build the system and whether the ERS operator can be profitable, and could transport operators operate their trucks on ERS profitability in this corridor setting.

Spot-on project: 5G-enabled solution always spot on Terminal Operating System

10/2023 – 04/2024

The project uses AI and 5G technologies to improve the management of dangerous containerised products at a terminal to improve the visibility. The aim is to develop a system that will allow to always know with certainty the correct location of every freight container on the terminal.

Logibat project for Flanders Institute for Logistics (VIL)

07/2021 – 12/2021

The project investigates socio-economic impacts and optimal implementation routes for Siemens eHighway in Flanders, Belgium. It develops arguments for policymakers to support (or counter) implementation of the system. eHighway is a technology that enables powering pantograph-equipped road freight vehicles with electricity from overhead catenary while in motorway traffic, and using another energy source (hybrid diesel, hydrogen or battery electric) for the final leg between the electrified portion of the road and the customer.

Maritime Connectivity Study for the World Bank

03/2020 – 08/2020

The main objective of this project is to assist the WB Infrastructure Chief Economist’s Office (INFCE) by producing a port and maritime data framework for the World Bank InfraSAPs – country diagnoses to understand the needs for infrastructure interventions. The developed framework is validated by applying it to Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

World Bank and ITF/OECD Short-cycle Project on Vietnam Logistics Statistical System

04/2018 – 09/2019

The project develops the data and governance structure for Vietnam logistics statistical system. It includes a pilot survey for validating and demonstrating the proposed methodologies.

ITF/OECD Roundtable on Balancing Efficiency and Resilience in Management of Multi-modal Supply Chains

10/2017 – 06/2018

The main focus of the Roundtable was the trade-off between supply chain resilience, efficiency and sustainability. In this context approaches to sustainability in supply chain management, innovation and technological development, collaboration and alliances, and risk mitigation were investigated.

ITF/OECD Case-specific Policy Analysis Project LNG Bunkering in Japan

11/2017 – 02/2018

The research gives an assessment of Japan’s ambition to transform the Port of Yokohama into an international LNG bunkering hub, in particular for global container shipping. This assessment is based on desk research and includes policy recommendations.

ITF/OECD CPB Project Data-led Governance of Road Freight Transport

09/2017 – 05/2017

The research examines ways to improve compliance with road freight transport regulations through the use of new data sources and technical solutions.

ITF/OECD Research project / working group on ITS Applications for HGV Regulation

02/2016 – 07/2018

The work investigates application of different ITS solutions for enabling larger and heavier vehicles on existing road infrastructure. The aim is to develop a set of practical suggestions for policy makers.

ITF/OECD Project Managing the Transition to Driverless Road Freight Transport

04/2016 – 05/2017

This research investigates how a transition to driverless road freight transport could happen and what the social impacts would be. Today’s technology already makes it possible to operate automated trucks. Reduced reliance on humans to move road freight in the future could offer large cost savings for businesses and consumers. It could also disrupt the careers and lives of millions of professional truck drivers. Based on different scenarios for the large-scale introduction of automated road freight transport, this study makes recommendations to help governments manage potential disruption and ensure a just transition for affected drivers.

ITF/OECD Project on The Impact of Mega-ships

01/2015 – 05/2015

The research project investigates the impacts that the increased ship size brings to the ports.

ITF Study on Environmental impact of incentives in ECMT quota for cleaner lorries in the international road transport market in Europe

11/2014 – 01/2015

The research investigates the impacts that the environmental incentives within ECMT quota have on the real-world emissions in the international road transport in Europe.

Research project: RETROFIT

10/2012 – 10/2014

The Retrofit project overall aim is to combine available and newly developed technologies to fit existing ship configurations to improve energy efficiency and cleanness while at least maintaining but preferably improving the ships’ economic performance.

Research project: Market-up

02/2011 – 08/2012

The project aims to identify barriers (both social and technical) and drivers for the market uptake of transport research results along Aeronautics, Air, Road, Rail and Waterborne transport.

Research project: INNOSUTRA – Innovation processes in surface transport

01/2010 – 12/2011

The main idea behind this project is to advance innovation integration in transport and logistics chains by focusing on improved market understanding, knowledge management and network organisation. Taking into account the main observations from the state of the art, it is clear that innovation in surface transportation and in logistics chains, as a change producing mechanism, needs to be much further assessed and benchmarked.

Research project Mission de conseil en strategie de traffic conteneurs for the port of Le Havre

04/2009 – 07/2009

The project provided advice to the port of Le Havre on ways to increase its competitiveness in the container transport market.

Research project: Tactical study E313 – calculating future scenarios for freight transport

09/2008 – 03/2009

The project deals with tactical research into possible measures for an improved traffic on the E313 motorway. A number of scenarios of economic development and policy are calculated. In these scenarios, among others, worldwide transport and logistics developments are considered, just like developments in seaports, inland navigation and rail, and logistics policy at Flemish, Belgian and European level.

Research project: Container Haulage by Road Transport from Ports of Baltic Sea in Direction West – East

2004 – 2005

Project was financed by Road Transport Administration and supported by the Ministry of Transport.

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