Article “Economic Impacts of the ERS Implementation on Rotterdam-Antwerp Corridor” on Preprints

The process of publishing an academic paper can be long, as it usually goes through several review cycles. This takes a lot of time. Having the results of my work public, however, has certain benefits.

We are currently in the process of publishing a new paper on Electric Road Systems, and have therefore chosen to use Preprints for the first time. It allows making the work public the next day after submittig to the journal.

Our paper “Economic Impacts of the Electric Road System Implementation on Rotterdam-Antwerp Corridor” investigates the potential impacts of implementing the different ERS technologies on the Rotterdam-Antwerp motorway corridor that links the two largest ports in Europe. The aim is to identify which of the routes between the ports is best suited for implementation of ERS, whether there are substantial differences in economic performance of the different ERS technologies, see what ERS vehicle traffic volumes are required and potentially available for successful implementation, what investment is required to build the system and whether the ERS operator can be profitable, and could transport operators operate their trucks on ERS profitability in this corridor setting. 

The Preprints article is available here:

10th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight

This week I participated in the 10th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight in Cambridge, UK.

I presented the research I am currently working on implementation of Electric Road Systems on the Rotterdam-Antwerp road corridor. I got positive comments and constructive inputs from the audience.

I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop sessions I participated in. It was nice to see the diverse research undertaken by others.

The workshop programme is available here.

Flanders to subsidise 1200 charging points for electric trucks

Companies in Flanders are now receiving subsidies from regional authorities to set up new charging stations for electric trucks. This initiative, which began at the start of the year, allows Flanders-based businesses to seek reimbursement for 20% of their investment, with a maximum cap of €300,000 per company.

Electric cars catch fire much less often than fossil fuel cars

The claim that electric cars are dangerous due to a high fire risk is often put forward by opponents of electric cars. But according to the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), gasoline or diesel-powered cars are 19 times more likely to catch fire compared to electric or plug-in hybrid cars.

In 2022, only 24 electric or plug-in hybrid cars caught fire in Sweden, which accounted for approximately 0.004 percent of all such vehicles in the country. On the other hand, around 0.08 percent of fossil fuel-driven cars caught fire. The number of fires in electric cars has remained consistent at around 20 per year for the past three years, despite a nearly doubled number of electric cars in Sweden, totaling nearly 611,000. The MSB includes trucks and buses in their compilation, noting that the majority of these vehicles are still diesel-powered.

Economic impacts of the catenary electric road system implementation in Flanders

I am excited to announce the publication of our research paper titled “Economic impacts of the catenary electric road system implementation in Flanders” in the International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, that we wrote together with Thierry Vanelslander.

Our paper explores the deployment of catenary electric road systems (ERS) on the Flemish road network in Belgium. We investigate the economic impacts of implementing this technology on the road haulage industry, their clients, and wider society under different technology adoption scenarios. We also identify the most optimal way of building a catenary network in Flanders and potential synergies that could come from implementing ERS in neighboring countries.

The findings show that catenary ERS has the potential to be developed into an economically sustainable and relatively cheap way of decarbonizing road freight transport. It offers considerable economic incentives for all involved stakeholders and is beneficial to society as a whole.

I would like to express our sincere appreciation to all who provided invaluable assistance, advice and support throughout this research: Aldo PeetersSophie DelannoyToon WassenbergPatrik ÅkermanArjan van VlietKlaas Van Cauwenberg, and many others.

To learn more about our research, please follow the link to the full paper:

Logibat closing event

The Logibat project’s closing event will be held on April 20, 2023, at Log!Ville in Niel. The project aimed to evaluate the current state and future developments of battery-electric trucks, as well as identifying the challenges that must be addressed for a wider roll-out. At the event various models of electric trucks and charging equipment will be showcased, providing attendees with an opportunity to learn more about the latest technologies in the industry.
My contribution to the project was with the research on Electric Road Systems (ERS), important because ERS has the potential to reduce carbon emissions, increase the adoption rate of electric freight vehicles, improve air quality and improve the cost performance of road freight transport.

ERS Symposium 2023

ERS Symposium 2023, Berlin, 14.02.2023
ERS Symposium 2023, Berlin, 14.02.2023

This week I had the opportunity to attend the Electric Road Systems’ Symposium 2023 in Berlin and it was truly an exceptional event. It was packed with valuable sessions and discussions on the latest advancements in ERS, paving the way for a sustainable future.

The quality of the event was top-notch, with a diverse range of expert speakers sharing their expertise and cutting-edge research. I was particularly impressed with the level of engagement and interaction among the attendees.

For me it was an inspiring experience that left me with a renewed sense of enthusiasm for the possibilities that lie ahead in the field of sustainable road freight transportation.

Tesla Semi delivery

Truck afficionados, including me, have been wating for this for a long time. It took them 5 years since unvailing. Finally Tesla has delivered its Semi to its first customer PepsiCo.

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