Article “Economic Impacts of the ERS Implementation on Rotterdam-Antwerp Corridor” on Preprints

The process of publishing an academic paper can be long, as it usually goes through several review cycles. This takes a lot of time. Having the results of my work public, however, has certain benefits.

We are currently in the process of publishing a new paper on Electric Road Systems, and have therefore chosen to use Preprints for the first time. It allows making the work public the next day after submittig to the journal.

Our paper “Economic Impacts of the Electric Road System Implementation on Rotterdam-Antwerp Corridor” investigates the potential impacts of implementing the different ERS technologies on the Rotterdam-Antwerp motorway corridor that links the two largest ports in Europe. The aim is to identify which of the routes between the ports is best suited for implementation of ERS, whether there are substantial differences in economic performance of the different ERS technologies, see what ERS vehicle traffic volumes are required and potentially available for successful implementation, what investment is required to build the system and whether the ERS operator can be profitable, and could transport operators operate their trucks on ERS profitability in this corridor setting. 

The Preprints article is available here:

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