Efficiency of hydrogen cars

Have you ever wondered why driving a hydrogen car is so expensive in comparison with battery electric vehicle? This video explains why by showing the technical differences between hydrogen and battery electric vehicles.

Decarbonising Road Freight Transport Workshop

On 28 – 29 June 2018 International Transport Forum / OECD held  workshop on Decarbonising Road Freight Transport, which was part of the Road Freight work stream of the ITF-led Decarbonising Transport Initiative, which aims to identify and promote policies which are both cost-effective in mitigating the climate change impact of road freight activities and which improve the sector’s operational efficiency. The workshop brought together more than 50 participants from different parts of the world and diverse backgrounds with an interest in clean and sustainable road freight: government officials, energy companies, vehicle manufacturers, shippers, logistic suppliers, academia, research centres, professional organisations and representatives from international organisations.

The workshop’s objective was to gather initial evidence on the cost-effectiveness of different decarbonising measures and their policy implications.

I contributed to the discussions with presentation “Vehicle efficiency: High Capacity Vehicles”. The slides of my presentation can be downloaded here. Some photos from the workshop are available here.

International Transport Forum 2018 Summit

It has been an honour to be a part of the organising team of the International Transport Forum’s 2018 Summit, which is traditionally held in Leipzig. https://2018.itf-oecd.org/

The Panel session Ensuring secure and resilient supply chains explored the trade-offs between supply chain resilience, efficiency and sustainability. The discussion focused on problems that the supply chain actors are facing, approaches for overcoming these problems and, how some of the approaches taken could result in greater sustainability of supply chains with positive environmental impacts. The participants of the session Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni, Christian Labrot, Alan McKinnon, Catherine Trautmann, Ricardo Treviño Chapa and the moderator Juliette Foster made it a success.

The session ITS technologies for safer and more secure road freight transport focussed on one of the issues that the ITF group on ITS for High Capacity Transport (HCT) is working on. It still is one of the most discussed topics in all countries where introduction of HCT is under consideration. This session discussed the results from recently completed research and ongoing pilots.

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